Testing file:
file=root://eoscms//eos/cms/store/data/Run2015A/AlCaPhiSym/RAW/v1/000/246/908/00000/C0DA4527-2F0A-E511-ADFD-02163E014349.root cmsRun test/ecalTime_fromAlcaStream_cfg.py files=root://eoscms/$file
cmsRun test/ecalTime_fromAlcaStream_cfg.py
Options | Default | Description |
files | "" | input files (can be RAW if step contains "RECO") |
output | "" | output files. If TIME in step, it contains the calibration trees, otherwise it will be the RECO files. |
maxEvents | -1 | # of events to run over |
jsonFile | "" | path to the json file which designates which lumisections to use |
step | "RECOTIMEANALYSIS" | Do reco, time analysis or both, RECO or TIMEANALYSIS or RECOTIMEANALYSIS |
offset | 0.0 | add this to each crystal time, (this was used in splash analysis, should probably be removed) |
minEnergyEB | 0.0 | add this to minimum energy threshold in EB (0.520 GeV) |
minEnergyEE | 0.0 | add this to minimum energy threshold in EE (which is a function of iRing) |
isSplash | 0 | 0=false, 1=true, performs RECO as splash data and shifts timing in analyzer by TOF difference |
streamName | "AlCaPhiSym" | type of stream, changes RECO path: AlCaPhiSym or AlCaP0 |
The script scripts/testCAF.sh
automatically can run over RAW files for specific runs, setting the options above appropriately. Probably should use it as a template rather than running it as is.